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CSV to Records


The CSV to Records component allows a user to load a CSV file and have it converted to a Record Collection. This component also supports TSV (Tab Separated Value) files.

A user can upload csv files directly to this component or this component can read a csv file from a Content Document record.

Configuration Inputs

Object API Name

The Object API Name to convert the CSV file into. If the CSV file contains columns that do not match fields on the object a warning will be displayed.


Content Document ID

The ID of a csv Content Document (File) that will be loaded and processed by this component.

This input is not required and should only be used if you want to load a csv file from a Content Document record. This component also allows users to upload CSV files directly.

ID (ContentDocument)false

Auto Next on File Load

If set to true, the Flow will automatically advance to the next step as soon as the CSV file is successfully converted to a Record Collection.


Field Mappings

A list of mappings that map the CSV header name to a Salesforce Object Field API Name. This input is optional as this component will automatically attempt to match the CSV headers to API field names on the target object.

Each field mapping should be entered on a new line and use the following format, but spaces may be added for increased readability:

CSV Column Name:Object_Field_Name

Below is an example of field mappings for a Lead object:

First Name: FirstName
Last Name: LastName
Lead Source: LeadSource
Company Name: Company
Industry: Sub_Industry__c

Custom Field Mappings take precedence over standard field mappings. In the example above, we are mapping the Industry field in the CSV file to the custom Sub_Industry__c field. Even though the Lead object contains a standard Industry field, the value will be mapped to the Sub_Industry__c field.


Configuration Outputs


The collection of records created from the CSV file.

TypeVariable Name
Record Collectionrecords